Tax Tips
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Taxpayers should beware of property lien scam
It’s important for tax pros to know the signs they are a cyber-thief's victim
Taxpayers can explore several tax help options before visiting an IRS office
Two education credits help taxpayers with college costs
The earned income tax credit can put money in taxpayers’ pockets
The child tax credit benefits eligible parents
Taxpayers who donate to charity should check out these resources
Taxpayers can compare eligibility and benefits of two education credits
Itemized deductions: 2018 tax changes
Things taxpayers should know about claiming dependents
Taking a withdrawal from your retirement plan
Tax tips for taxpayers to consider when selling their home
Phishing emails
Reminder of 2018 tax reform changes
Taxpayer Bill of Rights
How do I view balance due to IRS?
Paycheck Checkup
IRS automatically waives estimated tax penalty for eligible 2018 tax filers
Tips to help taxpayers recognize tax scams
All taxpayers will file using 2018 Form 1040; Forms 1040A and 1040EZ no longer available